Hearing on Application for Notification and Variation Orders to be heard 14 November 2022


The notification orders relate to the format and mode of distribution of the notice to potentially impacted class members.  EQC opposes many of the simple requests that have been made for notification orders, and appear to be looking to avoid notifying anyone that this class action even exists!  Their lawyers have written large submissions to the Court trying to justify why they shouldn’t make everyone who might be impacted aware of their rights.

The variation order seeks to change one word in the class definition (from “The owner…” to “An owner…”), which will mean that people who previously owned a property but retained rights to their claim are included in the class definition.  EQC is trying to limit the definition to just those people who currently own the property.  EQC is strongly opposing the application for this order as they say there are conflicts of interest and that it would mean someone who couldn’t sue them on their own now can under the class (which is wrong).

Once again we see EQC using its lawyers to try and change reality into their own fantasy (one where they caused no harm and don’t owe anyone anything).

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Further information about the claim

If you have questions about this class action, please contact us and one of our team will be in touch with you.